Sunday, October 18, 2009

I know you

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" -- Jeremiah 1:4

"We have being because we are known by God. ... Because He IS and because He wills, we, therefore, are and do."

Every child is known to the mind of God, before they are even conceived.
Mother Nadine tells of people who have received healing in prayer over things that were said about them and attitudes of their parents while they were yet in the womb.
We are each a person to God BEFORE we are conceived, so most certainly a child is a person at the moment of conception.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"My" body, "My" choice

The abortion argument centers around the problem of defining where life begins. Is this "thing" growing inside me my child or my body? If we first realize that each of us is a child of God, then this child isn't even my child, but rather God's. If it is God's, then God should get to decide when its life begins and ends, not us.

And that logic carries us even further to say that this body isn't even my body, but rather God's, of which I am only a steward. Which again liberates us from the complex question of where life begins and leaves us with a much simpler one: "Am I being a good steward of the body which God gave me?"

All that is left is my choice.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Never Silence Life

Guess I missed it: - it was Jan. 22. Hopefully it will be annual.
That's nearly exactly what I wanted, so perhaps all I need to do is promote and participate.

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